Hvis du har et EU-skattenummer, er køb foretaget uden for dit hjemland i henhold til gældende skattelovgivning fritaget for moms for sælgeren.
Sælgeren vil udstede det relevante dokument (faktura). IĮ SOUNDIUM er en virksomhed, der er registreret i Litauen.
Du kan købe varer i vores butik med 0% moms, hvis du er registreret som skattepligtig i Danmark. Hvis du køber gennem en virksomhed, bedes du bemærke dette og angive alle de nødvendige virksomhedsoplysninger - virksomhedskoden og momsregistreringskoden er de vigtigste. Dette vil medføre 0% moms på din ordre.
Fjernlager: 1 stk. til rådighed Levering inden for 7-10 arbejdsdage
Korg Opsix SE Versatile digital synth with premium 61-key keyboard, aftertouch, hands-on control, all-metal chassis. Preloaded with hundreds of sounds enhanced for aftertouch control. Compatible with opsix & opsix Native software. Made in Japan. Exclusive hard case included.
Premium Metal Design
The opsix SE showcases a notable upgrade in aesthetics. A slim body, specifically designed for this instrument, features a striking brown painted aluminum control panel, paying homage to vintage machines. Together with the vivid, illuminating LEDs, it brings a vibrant energy to any stage performance. The side panels, painted in a sleek black metal, amplify the overall aesthetics for a luxurious finish.
Exclusive Hard Case Included
The opsix SE ships in a dedicated hard case, including space for cables and a sustain pedal. Your instrument can travel protected, whether you're carrying it to a rehearsal downtown or packing it up for a tour.
Get Illuminated with the Operator Mixer
At the heart of every sound is opsix SE’s Operator Mixer – a simple set of six faders and knobs that invite exploration. Each part lights up red to indicate carriers or blue for modulators. Manipulating them opens up new sound-shaping possibilities to breathe fresh life into your musical ideas. This straightforward, hands-on workflow is part of what makes opsix SE so unique, just like the sounds it offers.
Direct Hands-On Control
Whether you’re tweaking a preset or building a patch from the ground up, the six data entry knobs on the right give you quick access to the parameters you need and seamlessly sync with the large OLED display, giving you a clear, focused direction to your workflow. Coupled with the mixer, it makes creating fresh sounds super easy and, most importantly, fun!
Select from a full range of analog-style filters, from the radical Korg MS-20 low-pass/high-pass filter to the powerful yet smooth KORG Polysix low-pass filter that gives your sound a vintage feel. There are also two or four-pole low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and band-reject filters with resonance.
There’s even a built-in spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope that gives you visual feedback via the screen on the music you’re making.
Build to play
Premium metal design
Exclusive hard case included
Premium Japanese manufacturing
Limited Platinum edition
Get Illuminated with the Operator Mixer
Direct Hands-on Control
Six in One Synthesis
Altered FM architecture delivers sounds across a vast spectrum