Tonar Rubber Mat

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In some cases the original rubber mat on the record player has become very dirty or even has chemically decomposed. Tonar now offers a fresh newly made rubber turntable mat to replace the old one.
The Rubber Platter Mat gives a noticeable boost to your systems sound. Acoustic feedback is one of the big problems when playing records, as is 'ringing' from the turntable platter. There is a very slight time difference between the reproduced sound 'hitting' the record, that is then fed back through the stylus, plus micro-vibration from platter resonances. These both result in a big loss of detail and clarity that can make the sound “muddy” and often thin sounding. Isolating the record from its surroundings as well as from the record player itself does improve sound quality.
  • Material: Rubber
  • Thickness: 3mm thick
  • Outer Diameter: 298mm
  • Inner Diameter: 7mm