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Fjernlager: 1 stk. til rådighed Levering inden for 7-10 arbejdsdage
Peak is an eight-voice desktop polyphonic synthesiser with three New Oxford Oscillators for each voice. The oscillators sound completely analogue by being high-quality NCOs (Numerically-Controlled Oscillators), but gain the flexibility of the digital domain with 17 digital wavetables. They can also become a linear FM source using either the analogue-sounding NCOs or digital wavetables – so are able to cross-modulate in a recursive loop.
The synth has a resonant multi-mode analogue filter for each voice, and three distortion points for each voice – pre-filter, post-filter and global – in an analogue signal chain. Peak is capable of receiving polyphonic aftertouch, which puts expression right at your fingertips. Reverb, delay and chorus effects are at one's disposal, and there is also an on-board arpeggiator.
The modulation system puts a 16-slot modulation matrix and 16 direct assignments in the main controls, cleverly arranged for intuitive patch design and sound editing. There are three ADSR envelopes and two LFOs for each voice, and more elaborate movements and secondary ‘via’ assignments are made just a few menu button presses away. In addition, two animate buttons give live performers instant one-touch transformation of patches.
Peak connects to modular systems via a CV modulation input, and has MIDI I/O on five-pin DIN ports, so other MIDI gear can be connected. Via USB, Peak can be plugged into Mac or PC, where unlimited patches can be kept using the Components software.
Innovative New Oxford Oscillators using two waveform generating techniques: NCOs (Numerically-Controlled Oscillators) and 17 digital wavetables
Pre-filter and post-filter distortion per voice, plus global distortion. Polyphonic aftertouch and linear FM. High-quality reverb, delay and chorus effects, and onboard arpeggiator
Extensive modulation system, with 16-slot modulation matrix and 16 direct assignments controlled on the front panel. Three ADSR envelopes and two LFOs per voice, plus animate buttons
CV modulation input for integration with modular systems
Compact desktop module design with optional die-cast aluminium stand for positioning (not included)
Hvad er i kassen?
Novation Peak
USB Type-A to Type-B Cable
Power Supply
Ableton Live Lite 9 and Loopmasters Sample Content