Hvis du har et EU-skattenummer, er køb foretaget uden for dit hjemland i henhold til gældende skattelovgivning fritaget for moms for sælgeren.
Sælgeren vil udstede det relevante dokument (faktura). IĮ SOUNDIUM er en virksomhed, der er registreret i Litauen.
Du kan købe varer i vores butik med 0% moms, hvis du er registreret som skattepligtig i Danmark. Hvis du køber gennem en virksomhed, bedes du bemærke dette og angive alle de nødvendige virksomhedsoplysninger - virksomhedskoden og momsregistreringskoden er de vigtigste. Dette vil medføre 0% moms på din ordre.
The HD 25 PLUS Headphones from Sennheiser provide high-quality audio in a lightweight and improved design. They can be used in several applications for monitoring, recording, DJing, and more.
Featuring the same technical specifications and sound as the original HD 25, the mechanical joint between the actual earcups and the headband has been improved. The joints are now more solid, providing smoother adjustability for a better fit.
Featuring the same technical specifications and – most importantly – the sound as the original HD 25, the mechanical joint between the actual ear-cups and the headband has been improved and its joints are now more solid, providing a smoother adjustment for a better fit.
Lightweight and durable design, ideal for professional use
The adjustable, padded headband fits virtually any head size
The closed-back earcups and thick on-ear cushions block out unwanted ambient noise and provide lasting comfort