Hvis du har et EU-skattenummer, er køb foretaget uden for dit hjemland i henhold til gældende skattelovgivning fritaget for moms for sælgeren.
Sælgeren vil udstede det relevante dokument (faktura). IĮ SOUNDIUM er en virksomhed, der er registreret i Litauen.
Du kan købe varer i vores butik med 0% moms, hvis du er registreret som skattepligtig i Danmark. Hvis du køber gennem en virksomhed, bedes du bemærke dette og angive alle de nødvendige virksomhedsoplysninger - virksomhedskoden og momsregistreringskoden er de vigtigste. Dette vil medføre 0% moms på din ordre.
Pioneer DJ's PLX-500 direct-drive Hi-Fi USB turntable is the newest PLX family member. It is tailored specifically for DJs that are looking for perfect mixing and connectivity duo. The newest feature is the USB addition, which makes this turntable the best choice for those who want to digitise their vinyl collection. Besides, PLX-500 delivers high torque levels that are necessary for scratching and beat-matching. Distortion is reduced to an absolute minimum thanks to short stylus-output audio-routing. The layout will also take only a few moments to master, since the turntable inherits the layout of the legendary PLX-1000. Mixing, listening and digitising: the PLX-500 is the perfect deck for it all.
High-torque direct-drive Hi-Fi analog turntable
Smooth DJ play
Intuitive layout
Aluminium platter
Reduced distortion
Connect directly to your sound system without an external amplifier
Record your vinyls to high-quality digital files
Built-in equaliser
Three tempo ranges and a reset button
Hvad er i kassen?
Pioneer PLX-500-K High-torque, Direct Drive Turntable (Black)